Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Gin & Tonic Week?

The inaugural Quebec Gin & Tonic Week is a week-long event celebrating Quebec's craft spirits. Presented by 1642 Sodas, the week takes place from October 16 to 22, 2023, and offers a variety of events and activities for adults.

What activities are planned?

Several events are planned throughout the week: benefit from discounts at bars and restaurants and taste gin & tonic recipes, discover local agritourism with tours and tastings at participating distilleries, meet industry experts, and take part in exclusive events such as 1642 evenings and the Tchin-Gin night on Wednesday, October 18.

How can I find an activity near me?

A search function is available on our website to help you find activities near you.

How much does it cost to participate in the Gin & Tonic Week?

Please contact us at the email address for all rate information.

Do all Quebec distilleries participate in the G&T Week?

No, only those distilleries that have chosen to participate in the event will offer special activities.

Do I need to be 18 or older to participate?

Yes, the activities are intended for adults over 18.

How can I submit my Gin & Tonic recipe for the contest?
Are there any fees to participate in the activities?

Some events and activities have participation fees, while others will be free. Please write to us at the email for all information.

How can I vote for my favourite Gin & Tonic recipe?

You can vote for your best Gin & Tonic recipe in the ''Recipes/Vote'' section of our website.

Will bars and restaurants offer special menus?

Yes, many participating establishments will offer special menus featuring Gin & Tonic recipes.

Who presents the Gin & Tonic Week?

This event is presented by 1642 Sodas, a well-known brand of artisanal sodas, premium tonics & mixers.

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