Ubald Distillery

Distillery in Saint-Ubald

Discover their offers

Business Story


Four passionate founders, Stéphan Dolbec, Hugo d’Astous, Josée Petitclerc, and Pascale Vaillancourt, aim to create the world's best spirits while honoring their roots. They combine their passion for spirits, their quest for perfection, and their dedication as artists and farmers.


Ubald Distillery established itself in the Quebec market by staying true to its values from day one. This has allowed them to gain visibility throughout Quebec.


Now, they still produce all their products on their estate, and they now have an expanded range of spirits, which gives them a prime position in the market.

Circular economy

Fermentation and dilution of products with pure water

Local products only

Fine spirits only

Ubald Distillery

220, route 363, Saint-Ubalde, Québec, G0A 4L0

(418) 425-0203